Doctor Who 04.02 Caribbean Blue, Episode 2
Doctor Who 04.02 Caribbean Blue: Episode 2
(29:05, 66.8 MB mp3, released 2011.09.13)
On the edge of known space, the Doctor and Emma make a rather bumpy landing. On Jacob's Disc, something is burrowing up from deep underground.
Written by Ewen Campion Clarke
Featured in the cast were:
David Ault as the Doctor
M Sieiro Garcia as Emma Collins
Bernadetta M Groves as Kayzee Vlyn
Al Aseoche as Palleen Kadijah and the Computer
Brian Bedard as Alexis Macdon
Jim Hamilton as Sempto Maurice
Michael Roberts as Eljay Loobans
Ari Baronovski as Gelver Koffni
Directed by Jim Hamilton
Music by Murray Gold
Production and Sound Design by Jim Hamilton
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